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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

St Edmund's SEND Unit


Our curriculum is designed to support all learners to progress and develop. We use a themed approach to engage our pupils and focus on not only knowledge and skills but also building positive attitudes to learning.

Our lessons use a multi-sensory approach and are built around the child’s individual needs. Children have access to whole class, group and 1:1 teaching and have dedicated time to work on their own individual targets.


Early reading skills are taught through reading sessions. We use Sounds-Write and THRASS to support the teaching of phonics and decoding skills. Children take home graded reading materials from the start of reception along with high quality real books by well-known authors. A passion for reading and listening to a wide range of texts and poetry is encouraged for all children. Children read regularly to an adult in school and information is recorded in their home-school diaries so parents know how their child is progressing and areas to practise at home.

Curriculum Overviews

EYFS/KS1 Curriculum overview Sept 2022 (these are currently being amended but will be available shortly)
KS2 Curriculum overview Sept 2022 (these are currently being amended but will be available shortly)