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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

Week 5

Welcome to week 5!

Thank you to everyone that has been emailing and tweeting in their learning. It is so good to see photos and hear how the children are getting on with the learning that has been set. 

Congratulations to the number of children that have been accessing mathletics! I've have been really impressed with the number of points earnt and maths activities completed. Special mention to Alice, Ameya, Lexi U and Lexi W who achieved bronze awards and to Travis and Arya who achieved a silver award each last week! You can download these on website as a certificate! Well done all! New activities have been added. 

This week I would like the children to try Times Table Rock Stars please. They can access this via an app you can download on a tablet or through google search engine. All you will need to log in is your details from Numbots, as it is exactly the same.

I have set up a week by week programme to practise times tables focusing initially on 2,5,10 time tables. I can monitor how the children are getting on from home also. When the children log in please ensure they go to the GARAGE area to do their times table practice. 

Have you all been following the wonderful work of Captain Thomas Moore? I have found him inspirational and am keen for the children to take part in the National Campaign to make a birthday card for his 100th next Thursday! (30th)They can be tweeted with #makeacardfortom or posted to the address I have pinned at top of our school Twitter page- @StJosSudbury

Joe Wickes has set some homework for all children. Can they design a t shirt? The winning ones will be made up and sold with proceeds going to NHS charities. The template for this is below. Once completed add #homeworkwithjoe on Twitter

Please read through and complete the Home learning activities attached below week beginning 20th April

There is also many activities available on BBC Bitesize which starts this Monday 20th April offering a range of subjects, which your son or daughter may be interested in. There is even an app for the teens too for those of you with older children, nieces or nephews. Please feel free to share this information. 

Please keep tweeting and sending home learning through to me-  they are a joy to see and read. 

Best wishes, stay safe

Mrs Ponsford