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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


The family of St Joseph's is one in which each member is valued and respected for who they are. We aim to encourage and support the personal growth of each individual through living in our community, which is rooted in Christ and inspired by the Gospels.

At St Joseph’s each child is encouraged and supported to be a successful learner and grow in their faith. We believe each individual is a unique gift from God and that our purpose as a Christian community is to nurture and develop each child. Each week we help the children to learn about the values of our school through a focus on the 'Characterstics of a successful learner'. 

At St Joseph’s we provide a broad and balanced curriculum through which we seek to ensure high academic standards. We have achieved a platinum standard award in physical education and take pride in our sporting success in the local area. The children do a daily mile every day to ensure they are fit and healthy and to encourage positive attitudes to fitness and well-being. We have a silver Linguamarque mark for our French teaching and in every class has a language ambassador. The school has develop close links with the local community; arts galleries, charity organisations and the local library, so the children develop their place in their community. We take great pride in our family ethos where children are encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and supported to develop respect and understanding for one another.

The school has approximately 160 pupils age 4 to 11 years arranged in six classes. St Joseph’s is part of the West Suffolk Catholic Pyramid of schools with the high school, St Benedict’s in Bury St Edmunds. The school originally opened in 1909 and over the years has been refurbished, most recently when the hall was built in 2012. St Joseph’s works in partnership with St Edmund’s Catholic Primary school and shares staff and resources. The children also participate in joint activities including a residential trip in year 4 to Horstead in Norfolk, a sleep over at a Museum in London in year 5 and a year 6 residential trip to France. There are many other opportunities and events across the year when the children and staff get together.

We enjoy a strong relationship with the local parishes. We regularly celebrate our faith through Mass at school and the parish priest of Our Lady’s and St John’s is the school chaplain and visits regularly. We pray as a community each day at assembly, before lunch and at the end of each day. We support local and national charities throughout the year to ensure the children develop a social responsibility to those people who are less fortunate than they are. There is a lunchtime Mini Vinnies group each week where the children can come together to pray, listen to the Gospels and think of ways they can help people who are in need. The celebration of our faith underpins everything we do as a school each day.

Anne-Marie Price, Head of School